New European review of Where the Wild Winds Are

Charlie Connelly has given Where the Wild Winds Are its first review, published in this week’s New European. It’s a good one!

‘Nick Hunt […] is clearly a very brave man. He’s risked physical and mental degradation in setting out deliberately on the trail of some of our continent’s fiercest and most notorious winds: an ingenious idea that he carries off with panache and aplomb.’

‘Hunt is suitably engaging company and a terrific guide, able to occupy our downtime in the doldrums with fascinating explorations of localities as well as throwing out golden nuggets of information.’

‘An extremely gifted writer […] his writing here has agreeable echoes of Leigh Fermor’s evocative prose.’

‘Some things are beyond our control and that can only be a good thing. Where the Wild Winds Are is a valuable reminder of this, a fitting, respectful tribute to a phenomenon older than humanity itself.’The review got a double-page spread, which is fantastic. The fact it was published in a passionately pro-European, anti-Brexit publication is interesting, and touches on one of the deeper meanings of the book… that borders are absurd, especially when considered from a wind’s-eye view.